Our teams of experts have been providing commercial and residential fire damper inspection and air duct cleaning services throughout the United States for more than 20 years.



FREEMAN AIR specializes in the inspection of fire and smoke dampers for facilities from coast-to-coast. . Our project managers and technicians are highly experienced in the testing process, and are familiar with all the check points needed for facilities as varied as hospitals, hotels and manufacturing plants

Air distribution systems in centrally air conditioned building act as an easy passage for spread fire and smoke when a fire occurs. Fire dampers, smoke dampers or combination fire/smoke dampers play a vital role in the management of fire and smoke. Many building owners and managers, frequently faced with manpower shortages, fail to follow the NFPA 90A requirements that these units be inspected on a four-year schedule.

FREEMAN AIR specializes in the inspection of fire and smoke dampers. Our project managers and technicians work in facilities as varied as hospitals, hotels and manufacturing plants from coast to coast. Our teams of experienced professionals draw on their knowledge of the NFPA Life Safety CodeĀ®, and the regulations of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and other regulatory bodies, to provide clients with the most comprehensive service possible to meet the strictest standards.


When looking for a company to perform fire and smoke damper inspection of your facility, it is highly recommended that you thoroughly assess the provider's competence and reliability. Select an organization that specializes in fire and smoke damper testing, not one that only offers inspection as a sideline service. Experience, knowledge and training are essential to performing a thorough job. With lives and safety at stake, picking the right contractor is vital.

FREEMAN AIR is that contractor. Highly trained and skilled professionals qualify at a mandatory level of experience, knowledge and professionalism that is required to deal with the regulations prescribed by NFPA's Life Safety CodeĀ®. FREEMAN AIR provides clients with a detailed report at the conclusion of each project, invaluable when your facility is inspected by organizations such as the State Fire Marshal, The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), insurance underwriters or other regulatory bodies. Our compliance services are in accordance with NFPA 90A, JCAHO and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), all of which require that fire and smoke dampers be inspected and are within prescribed safety norms.


Like any mechanical device, dampers require periodic maintenance to ensure continued, smooth operation. The level of maintenance required is dependent on several factors including the product manufacturer's and system designer's recommendations, code requirements, and the complexity of the system in which the damper is installed.

FREEMAN AIR provides inspection services that cover timely maintenance of dampers. Our technicians perform:

-Removal of debris buildup from the damper and surrounding area

-Manual cycling of dampers released by fusible links

-Cycling of damper and actuator assemblies


The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as well as other regulatory agencies requires institutions carry out a thorough inspection of their fire and smoke dampers at regular intervals. Air Duct Experts' damper testing services are designed to help clients meet even the most stringent regulations.

(NFPA) National Fire Protection Association Code 90A 3-4.7 states "At least every 4 years, fusible links (where applicable) shall be removed; all dampers shall be operated to verify that they fully close; the latch, if provided, shall be checked; and moving parts shall be lubricated as necessary."

B. (JCAHO) Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations standards EC.2.12.1 states, "All fire and smoke dampers are operated (with fusible links removed where applicable) to verify they fully close at least every four years."

C. (UL) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., reminds all property owners whose buildings are equipped with fire, smoke and combination fire/smoke dampers to comply with NFPA 90A

Freenan Air
Freeman Air Duct Cleaning LLC
Company Headquarters
5 Parsons dr
Beverly, MA 01915


Tel: 978.921.0517

Toll Free: 877.285.0517

We Are committed to not only meeting your needs but providing superior service. By staying on the cutting edge of our industry we make sure that we are able to fix any current issues you might have as well as preventing future issues from developing into costly problems.